Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs

It’s been a while since I’ve written here. I apologize for the gaps in my posts. Writing all day at work doesn’t make it easy to come home and write anything…at all. But, here I am, catching up.(Grammar be damned). … Continue reading

Conversations with LB: When The Wife’s Away, The Republic Will Play

My fiancée has been traveling for her new job for the past month. It’s been kind of lonely, but I find ways to entertain myself with the dogs and my neighbors and such. First, she traveled to Florida for five … Continue reading

Training Tips: Love Your Dogs, and Their Behavior!

It’s no secret that I don’t have the most well-behaved dogs in the world. I’m a writer, not a dog-trainer. I do, however, have an obedience training certification and experience working with very intelligent, very high maintenance breeds. Having four dogs … Continue reading